Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cash for Peace

Cash for Peace, I can't explain it better than they can so here it goes:
Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture The Simha Bahiri Annual Youth Essay Prize The Palestine-Israel Journal (PIJ), Middle East Publications, declares the launching of the Simha Bahiri Annual Youth Essay Prize. The prize competition is open to all Israeli and Palestinian youths between the ages of 18 and 26. The topic of the 2009 essay is “The Day after the Gaza War: What Can Young People Do to Strengthen the Prospects for Peace?” The essay should be between l, 000 and l, 500 words and submitted typed and double-spaced in one of the three languages: English, Arabic or Hebrew. The deadline for submission is March l0, 2009. There will be one Israeli and one Palestinian winner who will receive a prize of $l,000 each. An award ceremony will be held on March 28th, 2009, the anniversary of the launching of the Arab Peace Initiative. Middle East Publications retains the exclusive copyright for reproducing the winning essays in a future issue of the Palestine-Israel Journal, the PIJ website, or any other medium as chosen by the PIJ Editorial Board. Essays not selected will not be returned to their authors. The PIJ was able to offer this prize thanks to the generous donation of the PIJ’s Editorial Board member, Dr. Simha Bahiri and his family. Questions can be directed to heidi.pij[at]
I was thinking of writing an essay, using my Assuming the Worse About the Other idea, but I no longer live in Israel and it's much easier to write about peace behind the safety of the US.

Anyway, God bless Dr. Simha Bahiri and his family. I'm going to check out this Palestine-Israel Journal.

1 comment:

Khaled Hamid said...

Hello Michael:
I hope you read my response to your comment on my blog. I am leaving a comment here so you can get my email. I assume you can can recover it, as I had to sign in to leave a comment. hope we will be in touch soon.